
Volunteering at Lily B. is a great way to get to know other parents, students, teachers AND help our school be the best it can be.  To get started, first complete a background check online. This is required every year of all people volunteering for the school.  

Please sign in as a volunteer in the office before starting your volunteer activity and sign out as you are leaving.

Volunteer opportunities

Volunteer opportunities and who to contact to obtain additional information are provided below. 

Regular On-site Volunteering

Room Parent: Room Parents serve as a liaison for communication to class families from the teacher, school administration, and PTA. They also assist with classroom tasks, coordinate volunteers and field trip chaperones, coordinate class parties, and organize Teacher Appreciation gifts and surprises. Find out more here. Contact: volunteer@lilybclayton.org 

Classroom Volunteer: Help your child's teacher(s) and Room Parents as needed for special projects and as requested by the teacher. Contact: volunteer@lilybclayton.org

Library: Help check out and shelve books, help during your child’s class visits, and/or assist with AR (Accelerated Reader). Click here for more information and to sign up. Contact: library@lilybclayton.org 

Lunchroom Volunteer: Assist students by opening containers, getting things such as spoons, napkins and straws (located where the children can buy their lunch), and helping them get their things together when it is time to go. Contact: volunteer@lilybclayton.org

School Store: Help sell Spirit Wear before or after school on some Fridays and/or at PTA General Meetings. Contact: store@lilybclayton.org 

Copy Helper: Help make copies for your child’s teacher(s). Contact: copies@lilybclayton.org  

Periodic On-site Volunteering

Field Day: Assist PE teacher (Ms. Garner) during Field Day. Help out for a couple of hours or all day. Contact: volunteer@lilybclayton.org

Family Engagement: Help us welcome new and returning PTA members at Back to School Coffees and other special events (Muffins with Mom, Donuts with Dad, and Goodies with Grandparents) with smiles and baked goodies. Contact: engagement@lilybclayton.org  

UIL (University Interscholastic League): Help coach students to compete in different academic areas of competition in the Spring. Contact: uil@lilybclayton.org  

Translator: The PTA needs help reaching out to our ESL families. If you know another language, please consider helping out. Contact: volunteer@lilybclayton.org

Clayton Holiday Corner: Help children work as cashiers and sell items when the store is open in December. Short shifts available. Contact: claytoncorner@lilybclayton.org  

Mrs. Cook’s Books: Twice a year, work as a volunteer to set up and help children to select books. Short shifts available. Contact: cooksbooks@lilybclayton.org  

Career Day: Come share your career or special talent with children to help them explore the possibilities. Contact: Melissa.Ball@fwisd.org 

Valentinegrams: Help assemble and deliver to classrooms and teachers the week before February 14. Contact: fifthgradetrip@lilybclayton.org 

Teacher Appreciation: Show the teachers how much we value them. Join in various activities throughout the year. Contact: appreciation@lilybclayton.org 

Marvelous Monday: The last Monday of May, volunteer to teach or assist a cultural arts class for the children. Contact: culturalarts@lilybclayton.org 

Programs & Events

Spring Auction:  Many opportunities to help here! Art Assistants help the art coordinator with class art projects for the live auction; silent auction committee members assist the Auction chairs with solicitation of area businesses and organizations. This is the major PTA fundraiser for the school year! Contact: auction@lilybclayton.org

Helping Hands: Help assist with special projects like Cans of Love Food Drive and the Uniform Swap. Contact: helpinghands@lilybclayton.org  

Dads’ Club: Join other dads in helping with grounds and equipment, doing heavy lifting, auction setup and other jobs that may be needed. Contact: dads@lilybclayton.org 

Dads' Club Reading Buddies: Sign up to be a Reading Buddy to a younger student to help him or her work on reading skills.  Contact: readingbuddies@lilybclayton.org  

Garden Club: Help maintain the learning garden at Lily B. Contact: gogreen@lilybclayton.org 

Walkathon: Come support and corral as the kids walk and sing through the neighborhood, promoting and raising money for the school while getting some exercise. We will need lots of volunteers to help with water stations and directing kids. Contact: walkathon@lilybclayton.org 

Family Spirit Night: A chance to share in a Walkathon celebration. We’ll need help with set-up, cleanup and organizing events. Contact: socialevents@lilybclayton.org 

Bumblebee Ball and Bumblebee Games: Assist with these special daughter and son events.  Contact: socialevents@lilybclayton.org 

Family Math & Fitness Night: Volunteers are needed to help with setup/cleanup. Contact: uil@lilybclayton.org   

Health & Fitness: Encourage our Lily bees to not only strengthen their minds, but their bodies, too. Assist the Health & Fitness Coordinator with ideas and support to promote healthy living, including the Blue Zones Initiative. Contact: fitness@lilybclayton.org