Dismissal Policy
Early Dismissals
All student early dismissals will need to happen or be scheduled by 2:45 pm. After 2:45 pm, all students will be dismissed at the end of the school day at regular dismissal areas.
Afternoon Dismissal
Please follow the following procedures that are critical to student safety during afternoon dismissal. Make sure that your child's other parent and any childcare providers understand the school dismissal process.
School ends at 3:20 pm, and students are released from lines that form along the east side of Berkeley Place, with 5th grade closest to the corner of Park Place.
Carpool Pick-Up
For the safety of all, please be patient.
For your safety, stay in your vehicle. Do not get out.
Follow the directives or motions to move forward from school staff.
Remember to display your child's name in the car window. Notify your child's teacher if you need extra signs.
Cars should proceed through the carpool line until they arrive at the curbside location on Berkeley Place, where a staff member will assist each student with loading on the passenger side of the car.
The carpool line forms on the school side (north side) of Park Place and is directed by the crossing guards. Students will NOT be allowed to load into vehicles in the Park Place carpool lane.
The first carpool spot is reserved for the "VIP" who purchased the perk at the Spring PTA Auction.
Cars may not park alongside of the school (on the north side of Park Place or east side of Berkeley Place) between 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm.
Cars may not park alongside the parking lot fence at any time.
Should you need to talk with a teacher, please park and walk to meet them or you may contact them via email.
Pick-Up on Foot
Adults on foot should wait in the area closest to the school and may not stand on the sidewalk used for coordinating the carpool line.
The child's teacher must be notified before leaving with student on foot.
Families that walk or wish to park and walk may park on the south side of Park Place, the west side of Berkeley Place or on nearby streets.
All pedestrians must use a defined crosswalk to cross the street.
No pets are permitted on campus during dropoff or dismissal in consideration of those who are allergic or fearful and due to overall unpredictability.
Parents can speak with teachers after ALL students have been dismissed. Please be courteous to our staff as their attention is necessary to making sure children go home only with authorized caregivers.
On rainy days and high traffic days, a yellow flag will be posted outside of the school to indicate that indoor pickup procedures apply.