If you need help getting in touch with any PTA volunteers, please contact president@lilybclayton.org or pres-elect@lilybclayton.org.
2024-2025 Executive Board
President: Hillary LaRue
President Elect: Emily Mundt
Past President: Jessica Morrison
Ways and Means: Lauren Pavell
Membership: Lauren Griffin
Family Engagement: Cari Lingle
School Enrichment: Lindsay Piel
Volunteer Coordinator: Katy Akester
Communications: Addie Cunningham
Advocacy and Representation: Laurie George
Secretary: Kathy Rollings
Treasurer: Liz Brown
Parliamentarian: Kim Dillon
PTA Council Rep 1: Erin Perkes
PTA Council Rep 2: Jessica Colaw
Historian: Ellie Cormack
Principal: Katy Reed
Teacher Reps: Gloria Daniels, Molly Hille, and Emily Sachse
2024-2025 Off-Board Volunteers
Accelerated Reader (AR): Ayesha DelaFuente
Art Liaison: Melissa O'Brien
Auction Chair: Taylor Church
Auction Vice Chair: Rachel Welden
Auction Guide: Jessica Morrison
Auction Sponsorships & Underwriting: Johanny Garcia and Leslie Ramirez
Auction Lily B. Perks: Hillary LaRue
Auction Parent & Kid Parties: Kate Cochran
Auction Teacher Perks: Lauren Teer
Auction Items Manager: Celestina Blok
Auction Social Media: Clint Church
Auction Set Architect & Manager: Eric Grossman
Auction Volunteer and Guest Managers: Jenny Breed and Karina Delgadillo
Building & Grounds: Matt Beard
Clayton Corner: Leticia Soriano
Community Partnerships: Alexa Watt
Copy & Lounge: Sarah Pemberton
Cultural Arts Chair: Malissa Summers
Cultural Arts Vice Chair: Leslie Ramirez
Dads' Club President: Bryan Lingle
Dads' Club Social Events: Kris Gililland and Chris Griffith
Dads' Club Reading Buddies: Marcus Walters
Environmental: Sarah McClellan-Brandt and Travis Laminack
Fifth Grade Activities: Ashlyn Lawson and Deedra Keel
Fifth Grade Trip: Samantha Soto and Amanda Herron
Health and Fitness: Ashlee Gutierrez
Helping Hands: Celisse Mendoza and Whitny Armour
Library Liaison: Kate Cochran
Marquee: Tuyen Kamo
Merchandising: Olivia Griffith and Natalie Reeves
Mrs. Cook's Books: Tuyen Kamo
Newcomers: Katy Wilgus and Michelle Brannan
Pre-K/Kindergarten Events Chair: Lauren Storms
Pre-K/Kindergarten Tours Chair: Sarah Calk
Pyramid Liaison: Monika Britt
Science & Math / UIL: Lauren Drawhorn
Social Events Chair: Staci Duckworth
Social Events Vice Chair: Cayla Grossman
Spanish Liaison: Carla Prieto
Teacher Appreciation: Chandler Walters and Camille Jennings
Teacher Appreciation Secret Pals: Carie Quijada
Teachers' Fund: Tara McDonald
Walkathon Chair: Lindsay Horton
Walkathon Assistant Chair: Angie Arlington
Webmaster: Jessica Morrison
Yearbook: Katie Murray