Walkathon FAQ


Have more questions?  Contact the Walkathon chair at walkathon@lilybclayton.org

What is Walkathon?

Walkathon is Lily B.’s big fall fundraiser!  On Friday, October 4, 2024, Lily B. students, faculty, and volunteers will complete a 1.5-mile loop through the Lily B. neighborhood.  Unlike some walkathons, we are not collecting pledges for the number of loops walked. Instead, each student collects donations upfront for participating in the walk.  All donations should be collected during our donation drive (Monday, September 16 - Friday, September 27, 2024).  On Walkathon day, we will have fun and enjoy the walk, not walk until we drop!

What are the goals?

We are aiming for 100% student participation!  To achieve our overall goal of $50,000, we are asking all students to try and raise at least $50 in donations.  All donations help us reach our goal!  All of the money raised goes to Lily B. and will be used to fund art and music programs, new technology, extra school supplies for our classrooms, and more!

Why have a Walkathon?

There are many benefits of having a Walkathon over a traditional gift wrap fundraiser.

How can parents help?

There are lots of ways that you can help! First, help your child to understand and to get fired up about Walkathon.  Next, assist your child in collecting donations. For walk day, please volunteer to walk with your student’s class!

How are the students being kept safe? 

How do I collect donations?

We use a digital platform for collecting donations.  Check out the Walkathon page for the link and the Donation Toolkit page for tips and sample scripts.