PTA Volunteer Role Descriptions

Executive Board: 

President – coordinates the Executive Board and committees of the PTA, presides over meetings, and serves as a member of all committees. Expected commitment: 1 year (3 years total commitment).

President-Elect – aide to the president. Expected commitment: 1 year (3 years total commitment).

Immediate Past President – aide to the president. Expected commitment: 1 year (3 years total commitment).

Vice Presidents:  

Ways and Means – suggests methods of securing funds and oversees all fundraising committees; publicizes where PTA funds are spent. Expected commitment: 2 years.

Membership – manages and recruits PTA members and collects dues. Expected commitment: 2 years.  

Family Engagement coordinates and provides refreshments at all special gatherings (Muffins with Mom, Donuts with Dad, Goodies with Grandparents, Spelling Bee Reception, and Fifth Grade Graduation); oversees standing committees relating to family engagement. Expected commitment: 2 years.

School Enrichment seeks and arranges PTA sponsored programs; oversees standing committees relating to school enrichment. Expected commitment: 2 years.

Volunteers coordinates all volunteer efforts such as Room Parents; serves as resource for recruiting and scheduling volunteers for most events. Expected commitment: 2 years.  

Communications – is responsible for the weekly “Happenings in the Hive” email newsletter; oversees standing committees relating to communications. Expected commitment: 2 years.

Advocacy and Representation – identifies, monitors, and communicates policy issues of interest to PTA membership; advocates for policies aligned with Texas PTA legislative priorities; presents Legislative Reports at meetings; meets with elected officials annually; promotes and participates in the bi-annual Rally Day; and assesses and collaborates with other Executive Board members on representation and involvement goals. Expected commitment: 2 years.

Secretary records minutes of all PTA meetings and tracks attendance. Expected commitment: 2 years. 

Treasurer has custody of all funds, keeps books and records, makes disbursements and reports updates; chairs the budget and finance committee; oversees standing committees relating to spending on school projects and teachers. Expected commitment: 2 years.

Historian – collects and compiles PTA historical and current data. Maintains historical integrity of the school. Expected commitment: 2 years.

Parliamentarian – advises presiding officer about parliamentary procedure and maintains bylaws. Expected commitment: 2 years.

PTA Council Representatives (2) delegates to FWISD Council of PTAs. Expected commitment: 2 years. 

Standing Committees:

 Accelerated Reader (AR) Chair – coordinates prizes for Accelerated Readers programs; works with librarian. Expected commitment: 2 years.

After School Activities Chair coordinates any after school PTA-sponsored programs, including planning program schedules, reserving space, coordinating any volunteers needed, creating flyers, and communicating program opportunities with parents via the Hive, the PTA website, and social media. Expected commitment: 2 years.

After School Activities Assistant – assists the After School Activities Chair. Expected commitment: 2 years.

Art Liaison – coordinates artwork made by students and auctioned at our Auction; works with art teacher; coordinates PTA Reflections Art Contest. Expected commitment: 2 years.

Auction Chair – coordinates all aspects of the Auction fundraiser. Expected commitment: 1 year.

Auction Vice Chair – assists the Auction Chair and is expected serve as Auction Chair the following year. Expected commitment: 1 year (2 years total commitment).

Building and Grounds Chair – works with staff and volunteers to develop and implement a master plan for building and ground improvements. Also responsible for overseeing and communicating with contractors regarding any major building or grounds projects undertaken by the PTA. Expected commitment: 2 years.

Clayton Corner Chair – assists school staff in coordinating and putting together the school holiday shop leading up to Christmas; remains on campus during Clayton Corner hours and coordinates parent volunteers to assist with shop operations. Expected commitment: 2 years.

Community Partnerships Chair – coordinates Hungry Hive events with local restaurants and complete applications for other incentives offered (grocery stores,, etc.). Expected commitment: 2 years.

Copy and Teachers’ Lounge Chair – makes copies of PTA documents, as needed, and prepares the written programs to be distributed at all grade-level programs (in coordination with the Lily B. music teacher); coordinates teacher copy requests with parent volunteers; keeps the teacher copy room and lounge updated with supplies. Manages the PTA sponsored Teacher Snack Cart. Expected commitment: 2 years.

Cultural Arts Chair – develops and oversees a cultural arts program; plans and coordinates Marvelous Monday/Terrific Tuesday. Expected commitment: 1 year.

Cultural Arts Vice Chair – assists the Cultural Arts Chair and is expected to serve as Cultural Arts Chair the following year. Expected commitment: 1 year (2 years total commitment).

Dads’ Club Chair – coordinates volunteer activities and social events for school dads and oversees the Dads’ Club Assistants. Expected commitment: 2 years.

Dads’ Club Social Events Assistant – coordinates coordinate social gatherings for school dads. Expected commitment: 2 years.

Dads’ Club Reading Buddies Assistant – works with staff and volunteers in coordinating the Reading Buddies program on campus. Expected commitment: 2 years.

Dads’ Club School Projects Assistant – helps coordinate weekend school campus clean-up dates and works with the Building and Grounds Improvements Chair on needs that arise. Expected commitment: 2 years.

Environmental Chair – works to develop and update programs to increase environmental awareness at Lily B. and maintains the Lily B. Garden. Expected commitment: 2 years.

Fifth Grade Activities Chair – coordinates the planning of fifth grade end-of-school activities (as approved by the Principal and in coordination with the fifth grade teachers); coordinates the fifth grade gift. Expected commitment: 1 year.

Fifth Grade Activities Assistant – assists the Fifth Grade Activities Chair. Expected commitment: 1 year.

Fifth Grade Trip Chair – plans the annual fifth grade trip (as approved by the Principal and in coordination with the Counselor); helps coordinate a fundraiser (such as the Valentine candy activity or Valentinegrams) for fifth grade. Expected commitment: 1 year.

Health & Fitness Chair – coordinates health and fitness programs for the school such as Running Club and Field Day; plans the Math and Fitness Night (as approved by the Principal and in coordination with the Science and Math / UIL Chair and the P.E. teacher). Expected commitment: 2 years.

Helping Hands Chair – works with the Counselor to improve the welfare of faculty, students and families, as necessary; coordinates used uniform sales/donations and maintains and organizes the school Lost and Found. Expected commitment: 2 years.

Library Liaison – assists Librarian with special projects, scheduling library volunteers, and coordinating Story Book Parade costume set up, distribution and storage. Expected commitment: 2 years.

Marquee Chair – maintains messages and birthdays on the marquee. Expected commitment: 2 years.

Merchandising Chair – responsible for supplying, staffing, and maintaining the school store; conducts inventory and keep financial records of all school store purchases and sales; manages t-shirt orders for the PTA. Expected commitment: 2 years.

Merchandising Assistant – assists the Merchandising Chair. Expected commitment: 2 years.

Mrs. Cook’s Books Chair – orders and distributes books to students bi-annually or tri-annually in coordination with the Librarian. Expected commitment: 2 years.

Newcomers Chair – serves as information liaison to new students and their families; collaborates with Grade Level Representatives in communicating with new families; coordinates the Stay and Play events, the Yahoo/Boohoo Coffee, and the welcome presentation for new Lily B. families.

Newcomers Assistant – assists the Newcomers Chair. Expected commitment: 2 years.

Pre-K and Kindergarten Events Chair – coordinates activities for prospective pre-k and kindergarten students and their parents, including the fall Pre-K and Kindergarten Coffee and assist with tours, as needed. Expected commitment: 2 years

Pre-K and Kindergarten Events Vice Chair – coordinates/provides the school tours to prospective students and families and assists the Pre-K and Kindergarten Events Chair, as needed Expected commitment: 2 years

Pyramid Liaison – responsible for communicating with pyramid schools and relaying information on events and opportunities within these schools that pertain to Lily B. Clayton (Paschal Harvest Projects, Adopt a Panther, parent informationals and course selection nights, etc.). Expected commitment: 2 years.

Science and Math / UIL Chair – serves as a conduit with teachers and the Executive Board to review science and math needs; assists in coordinating the UIL program, including the scheduling, publicity, and communication with parents about after-school UIL meetings and UIL competitions; plans the Math and Fitness Night (as approved by the Principal and in coordination with the Health and Fitness Chair and the P.E. Teacher). Expected commitment: 2 years.

Social Events Chair – plans Family Spirit Night, Decorate the Halls, a mother/son event, a father/daughter event, and other events as needed. Expected commitment: 1 year (2 years total commitment).

Social Events Vice Chair – assists the Social Events Chair and is expected serve as Social Events Chair the following year. Expected commitment: 1 year (2 years total commitment).

Spanish Liaison – is available to help translate flyers and information that the Principal has approved to be distributed by PTA to classroom teachers and students. Expected commitment: 2 years

Teacher Appreciation Chair – coordinates Teacher Appreciation Week in May as well as other appreciation items for teachers throughout the year; assists grade level reps with monthly grade sponsored lunches, as needed. Expected commitment: 2 years.

Teacher Appreciation Assistant – coordinates the Secret Pal program. Expected commitment: 2 years.

Teachers’ Fund Chair – handles requests from the staff for expenditures for supplemental teaching materials and supplies for the school not provided by or available from the FWISD and for items deemed necessary for the workroom or the work environment; collects and reviews reimbursement requests from teachers for expenditures from their annual Teachers’ Fund budget. Expected commitment: 2 years.

Walkathon Chair – plans and coordinates the Walkathon fundraiser. Expected commitment: 1 year.

Walkathon Vice Chair – assists the Walkathon Chair and is expected serve as Walkathon Chair the following year. Expected commitment: 1 year (2 years total commitment).

Webmaster – maintains and updates the website, including the calendar of events, committee documents, and current general information. Expected commitment: 2 years.

Yearbook Chair – coordinates yearbook sales and assists the faculty yearbook coordinator in taking and collecting photos for inclusion in the yearbook and other yearbook preparation duties, as requested by the faculty yearbook coordinator. Expected commitment: 2 years.

Yearbook Assistant – assists the Yearbook Chair. Expected commitment: 2 years. 

Auction Committee Positions: 

Auction Guide – Creates auction guide and assists in social media design and posts. Expected commitment: 1 year.

Auction Items Manager – In charge of soliciting, pricing, and organizing donated items, including import to web-based auction program, managing checkout process and shipping (if any). This person should be familiar with potential donors. Expected commitment: 1 year.

Auction Parties – Assists in communicating what auction parties are to all Lily B. parents; assists in getting room parents to help solicit parents to volunteer auction parties; tracks list of donated parties; assists with writing description for each party. Expected commitment: 1 year.

Auction Set Architect – Oversees creative design and build of sets to be used for photo opportunities and/or décor. Expected commitment: 1 Year

Social Media – Manages all social media posts leading up to and after auction. Posts will include images from parties and experiences that are auctioned off the prior year to highlight what will be available the following year (parties, teacher perks, etc). Expected commitment: 1 year

Sponsorships/Underwriter Opportunities – Assists with compiling a list of community donors (using historical information) and assigning donors to volunteers for them to contact via phone or letter; tracks potential sponsors' responses and donation amounts. Expected commitment: 1 year.

Teacher Experiences & Outings – Assists with contacting all Lily B. teachers about experiences and outings they would like to donate to the auction (e.g., teacher for the day, go to the movies with your teacher, etc.). Expected commitment: 1 year.

Volunteer and Guest Manager – Oversees organizing the volunteer workforce. They will utilize Handbid for sending out invitations, selling tickets, managing sponsors, tables (once purchased), etc. Expected commitment: 1 year.