The 2025 LBC PTA Auction is March 29, 2025

Sponsorships and reserved tables are on sale now! All ticket options will be available on Tuesday, January 28. Learn more here.

Find out more (including how you can help!) below and on the the Auction FAQ Page. Follow @lbcauction on Instagram for the latest updates!

The Auction is Lily B.'s BIG SPRING FUNDRAISER where adult supporters of Lily B. celebrate our school and financially contribute to the PTA through ticket purchases, sponsorships, and winning bids and purchases of a variety of items including "Auction Parties," spots on the birthday marquee, and our kids' art.

This year's Auction theme is "LBC TV" (think MTV).  The event will be held on Saturday, March 29, 2025 from 6:30 to 10:30 pm at the Fort Worth Zoo.

Our goal each year is to raise enough money to fund many of the things that make Lily B. great (please see this page for more information about where financial support of our PTA goes). In addition, each year the Auction includes a "Paddles Up" donation moment during which everyone will have an opportunity to leave a lasting mark at Lily B. by donating to a specific PTA project.

Check out the Sponsorship & Ticket Information Packet and the Auction FAQ Page for more information or contact Auction Chair Taylor Church at

How you can help 

Donate items. We are currently accepting silent auction and live auction items for Auction. Please think of what you could possibly donate, who you know who might be willing to contribute, and places you frequent that you could ask for a donation. Examples of live auction items include a ride to school in a firetruck, story time with the mayor, original artwork, and stays at donors' vacation homes. Examples of silent auction items include gift cards to your favorite restaurant or store, golf outings, gift baskets, jewelry and accessories. Please refer to the Auction Item Donations Page for the form you can use for making and collecting donations.

Host an Auction Party (or Several Auction Parties). An Auction Party is a party hosted by parents for which tickets are sold at Auction. Since party hosts pay for all of the party costs, 100% of money raised from party ticket sales goes to the school! Please refer to the Auction Parties Page or contact Kate Cochran, Auction Parties Chair, for more information. If you're ready to host, you can submit your Auction Party information here.

Become a Friends & Family Donor. Grandparents, neighbors, and family friends can support Lily B. by making a donation to Auction. Please refer to the Friends and Family Donations Page for more information.

Become a Business Sponsor or Underwriter. If you or your business is interested in investing in Lily B.'s students, teachers, and faculty through an Auction sponsorship, please contact the Auction Sponsorship and Underwriting team at or purchase an available sponsorship option here. Learn more about the available sponsorship options on the Sponsorships Page.

Buy Tickets and Attend Auction. Ticket options include reserved seating packages, individual tickets, and and virtual ticket options (which allow you to access silent auction items including Auction Parties and Lily B. Perks). Reserved seating options are on sale and available to purchase here. All ticket options will be available on Tuesday, January 28. Refer to the Sponsorship & Ticket Information Packet for more information. 

Sponsor a Staff Member's Ticket. If you would like to help sponsor the ticket of a teacher or staff member, please donate here. $75 covers the cost for a faculty members ticket, and every donation, big or small, makes a meaningful impact in showing our appreciation for the incredible Sweet Lily B. staff! The Auction Team's goal is to secure sponsors for every teacher or staff member who wants to attend Auction, and you can contact to make sure your donation is matched with a staff member who plans to attend Auction.